"I'd rather surf without you, that's why I don't want you hurt like me."

Senin, 05 Juli 2010


gue belum mendapatkan kesenangan yang berarti selama Juni. padahal yang gue tau, Juni itu selalu indah. seperti Februari. justru di bulan yang sebulan penuh gue libur ini, gue harus menerima kenyataan kalau gue gak lolos UMB, dan harus ikut SNMPTN, demi FEUI 2010. ditambah gue sakit 2 minggu. NICE TO MEET YOU, JUNE. tapi di ending Juni, lumayanlah. walaupun gak banyak, tapi berarti banget. dari pada gak sama sekali. ha ha

di bulan Juni ini juga, gue harus mulai mengisi liburan dengan aktivitas yang belum penah gue lakukan sebelumnya, yaitu jadi orang kantoran (gaya). yaa iseng-isenglah. tapi senin-jum'at non stop harus bangun pagi, dan harus tahan melek tahan ngantuk sampe jam 5 sore. huhu. dan tanpa beraktivitas seperti ini gue pasti gak akan pernah mengetahui sedini ini, kalau ternyata di dunia seperti ini yang namanya teori itu benar-benar bukan sebagai panutan atau hukum yang harus dilakukan lagi ketika kita kerja, semua seperti hilang begitu saja termakan oleh 'training'. praktisi benar-benar menghapuskan yang namanya textbook. gila. jadi teori-teori yang selama ini gue pelajari itu ya hanya sebagai dasar-dasar ilmu aja, yakni sebagai penunjang praktisi yang memang nyatanya lebih dilakukan di dunia ini.

oke, kalo boleh jujur, gue nulis blog ini ketika sedang jam kerja. ha ha, see ya.



I'm here. and you. there. far. far from me. here.
here's only you in my sucks mind.
you always on mine, but I wonder I always on yours.
it won't be.
I thought it's falls, and it's hurts. but I always surf the way.
I always know what will I get from, but I always surf the way.
I know I miss you, and I know you never be the same, but I always surf the way.
however. I miss you who are there. I don't want to call your name. and it's gonna be on behind.
I told my self to be the one for you.
I thought it's different.
I always want to see your face.
raise my day.
and let the new days begin. so wonderful.
I just want you to know.
that I miss.
I miss y.

My favourite song

I know your eyes in the morning sun
I feel you touch me in the pouring rain
and the moment that you wander far from me
I wanna feel you in my arms again
And you come to me on a summer breeze
Keep me warm in your love then you softly leave
and it's me you need to show
How deep is your love
How deep is your love, how deep is your love?
I really mean to learn
Cause we're living in a world of fools
Breaking us down when they all should let us be
We belong to you and me

I believe in you
You know you're the door to my very soul.
You're the light in my deepest darkest hour
You're my saviour when I fall

And you may not think I care for you
When you know down inside that I really do
and it's me you need to show
How deep is your love?

And you come to me on a summer breeze
Keep me warm in your love then you softly leave
and it's me you need to show
How deep is your love
gue jatuh cinta sama lagu ini sejak kecil, dan baru ngerti liriknya pas SMA.
this is one of my favourites. suka banget sama versi aslinya (Bee Gees),
dan kurang suka dengan versi The Bird and The Bee. versi Adeaze juga enak.
gue berandai-andai suatu waktu bisa nyanyiin lagu ini,
entah itu akustik atau bahkan orchestra. wah